Tuesday, April 23, 2013

One Life One Chance

For quite a few years now I have been thinking about giving solo endurance racing another shot. Well, it's not like I gave it much of a go before either. I've done one solo 12hr race in my days... Lets just say it didn't end bad but it didn't end great either. Somewhere around the 5 hour mark my lack of preparation and insufficient hydration caught up to me and my quads revolted in major cramping. So much so that I sit in the grass along side the trail for about twenty minutes before trying to get back on the bike. So that was that, I limped back to the start finish and tried to get my legs to stop seizing up for the next few hours. In reality it wasn't too bad considering I had only decided to try it about three weeks prior to the event.

After way too much thinking about it I decided to put up or shut up. I'm going to dip my toe in the water so to speak and sign on for a solo 6hr in June. I've decided to work in baby steps to my goal of another solo 12hr attempt and ultimately the BT Epic. I'm not sure why these things seem so appealing at this stage in life. Perhaps, it is the realization that we are all mortal and youth is the most unfaithful mistress. In the last few years I have begun to watch my parents health and quality of life get lower and lower. It has really driven home the hard truths of life. We really only get one chance at this life thing and it's up to you not to waste it.


I still can't decide if this is awesome or weird? 
But either way I kind of dig it.

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