Monday, March 26, 2012

Thorn In My Side

The biggest thorn in my side the last few months has been my immune system... So, as much as j.rider and I had hoped to kick off the season yesterday… It just didn’t happen. The last few months have been full of colds and topped off by the FLU just a few weeks ago.  The early spring has j.rider suffering from seasonal allergies and congestion. Needless to say, we were both bummed to be sitting this one out… But, things don’t always go as planned. The ‘Pack in Black’ will have to wait a few more weeks to make it’s debut.

I did manage to get out and enjoy the 70 degree Sunday and some tight twisty trail. However, I forgot about the cardinal rule of not going to Castlewood on a beautiful weekend afternoon. Holy invasion of dogs, hikers, kids, teenagers and even horses. I think the trails were as congested as j.rider! Luckily I was able to make my way to the little used sections of the park and ride without the headaches.

All the nice weather and sun had me feeling pretty good and my mind thinking about some good tunes. In a spur of the moment decision, I cued up all the Quicksand songs available on the old iPod. That got the wheels turning and I decided to draft a new bylaw to the Deathwish charter.

Article 3.14 of the death rider mandate:
All those who seek the mark of death, must have witnessed at least one live performance of the former new york band Quicksand. NO EXCEPTIONS!

I quickly ratified the new article and put it to a vote, all those in favor say aye!

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