Tuesday, January 15, 2013

It's Just Not Everything...

Lets be honest our content here has been lacking as of late. So I figured I'd set you up with another place to waste some time out there in the cube farms. It also occurred to me when hanging out with m.rider recently... He might have a doppleganger out in the cycling world.

{this man on the far upper left  corner...none other than the unprofessional cyclist himeself}

Those who know m.rider what do ya think? Am i crazy?

I enjoy the ramblings of the angry bike messenger/unpro cyclist so much that I'm stoked to ride with his doppleganger. If you don't know the beauty that is dicky... Find out what you've been missing.

since we can't seem to go a post without some kind of musical fodder.
Another old stl hardcore kid who likes bikes

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