Over the last year I have become quite a fan of the Vittoria Tires bastard son GEAX. In case you are wondering it's pronounced G X, It was a play on words to symbolise generation X. Well according to what I've read on the interwebs anyway. It seems the Italian brand decided a few years ago to make a go at the dirty side of things. I have to admit the tread pattern offered and the multiple types of casing including mountain tubulars is pretty impressive.
What does this have to do with a blog post? I mean who cares what tires I am digging anyway. Well this week over at the Mountain Bike radio they had a pretty deep discussion of the said brand and all things tire geekdom. For me it was an awesome find, I really enjoy technical geek stuff. It's full of anything and everything you ever wanted to know about tire design, treads, casings and the like.
The best GEEK/NERD band ever
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