Friday, January 24, 2014

Old Tyme Hardcore

The Death Riders are excited to have the backing of some old friends and the best Tattoo Shop in town. Iron Age Tattoo has come on board to support your local Death Riders. My relationship with Brad and Mark spans a few decades, it seems almost impossible but it's true. As crazy as it would seem Brad Fink and I grew up on the same block. I still remember going to his house when I was about twelve years old. My friend Ted was buying a used JFA Skateboard deck from him. In those days Brad was a pretty good BMX freestyler and Skateboarder. He was responsible for the logo to my local skate shop as well as a semi-permanent fixture hanging out there.

My earliest memory of Mark doesn't go back as far. However, I've known him longer than some of our readers have been alive. Mark was working for 1227 'The Alley' at the time. Twelve Twenty Seven was the local Punk Rock/Hardcore venue at the time. He and another living legend Jim Honey were working the door. I was among the masses freezing in the cold waiting for the doors to open. The year was 1989 and I was finally getting to see one of my all time favorite bands... Agnostic Front. For some strange reason Saint Louis has quite a fondness for New York and still does. I'll admit, I am a huge NYHC fan always have been always will be. So by some strange luck my home city has always been good to the New York bands. 
I met a ton of folks that night and still remember it vividly. Mark and Jim had a style all their own when it came to crowd management and working the door. I'm sure I was probably terrified of Mark at the time, being less than five foot tall and maybe one hundred pounds. Mark has always been nothing but a class act to me, even for the few years when I traded in my Straight x Edge card. Honest, he might have ribbed me a bit, but He has always been the same solid dude.

Big thanks again to the crew at Iron Age and Mark Andrews.

Look for the 2014 kit to have a few changes as well as my skin.
Turning 40 this year means some more tattoos for sure, I better get 'Hammer Hands' on the line...

Till then enjoy some 'Old Tyme Hardcore' 

Its Mark Andrews approved

Thursday, January 23, 2014


I know... I know...
Where did we go? What happened to the Death Riders this fall. Well I wish it were some awesome tale to tell. In reality.... Not so much really. Towards the end of August I began having a ton of issues with acid reflux and frequent vomiting. In September I was sent for an endoscopy where it was discovered I have two rather large ulcers. By the end of October things seemed some what better. I managed to complete the BT Epic without cramping or puking, a major win considering the circumstances. Things quickly went form okay to awful in November. I was sent for an upper GI a series of bowel x-rays... The vomiting had come back with a vengeance. December, saw yet another endoscopy and more medications. Knock on wood things finally seem to be taking a better turn. The persistent vomiting seems to be ending and both ulcers are shrinking in size. All of that mixed with the Holidays and the increasingly busy schedule at work, has had my mind other places.

With all that said, it hasn't been all slow and no go here. I have been knocking on doors this off season and am lining up a few non-sponsors for the 'Death Riders' this season.
Ben and Mountain Bike Radio have been gracious enough to step up in support of the cause.
More irons are in the fire, we are just waiting to here back from a few folks.

Things are looking to be rather busy this season.
I am excited about the new year and can't wait for racing to start.
I will get back to the weekly thoughts ASAP.